Wood Color
HEX color code is #A1662F and the RGB is 161, 102, 47
Love it or call it dull, but Wood is here to stay. It’s a color so versatile that fashion designers and ordinary people alike constantly consider it a must-have color in their wardrobes. Wood is a color that invokes feelings of comfort and wealth because of its healthy glow and similarity to colors that occur in nature—think of majestic oak trees and the luxurious fur of Kodiak bears.
How the color is made: The color Wood is made by mixing Light Yellowish Orange with Very Dark Red to create a log cabin hue.
History: Historically, the color Wood represented austerity and simplicity and was often the color of robes worn by monks in monasteries. Wood was also a color used by artists any time forests or woodland scenes were painted.
Color in Action
Wood is a color that is traditionally worn as outerwear, like biker jackets, trench coats, or pashminas but is also a color that can rock the red carpet. Regina Hall proved this in 2022 when she wore a Wood-colored Vera Wang evening gown in soft flowy chiffon and satin.
Wood is a warming color in interior design and is often the first color that designers need to consider when putting together a mood board to present to their clients because many floor surfaces are made of wood. Wood is neutral but whether it has a cool or warm undertone will determine what other colors and textures can be paired with it.
Colors that go with Wood
Dark Blue and Wood create a complementary color scheme that feels mysterious and yet venerable too. The warmth of Wood complements both cool colors like Blue and warm colors like Lime Green.
Wood Color Palettes and Schemes
Use Dark Red, Olive Green, and Wood to create an analogous color palette that feels like a traditional Christmas gathering.