Yellow Green Color

HEX color code is #C8FD3D and the RGB is 200, 253, 61

Yellow Green is the color of fresh lime slices and cut-open kiwano melons. It has a fresh and citrusy feel that is reminiscent of sunny days eating lollipops at the poolside. Yellow Green has a tangy aesthetic that can liven up a design and give it energy.

How the color is made: To make Yellow Green mix very light yellow with pure green to create a zesty hue that radiates joy and optimism.

History: Yellow Green has traditionally been a color of vibrance and idealism. It was popular during the 1980s and was used in brightly colored headbands, hoop earrings, and tracksuits.

Color in Action

Yellow Green’s brightness makes it the ideal color to use in signage that needs to be seen and read. Advertisers can use it to draw customers’ attention to particular details or information that needs to be communicated timeously and urgently.
Yellow Green can be used in a child’s playroom because it sparks creativity and playfulness. It can also be used in a kitchen by accessorizing with Yellow Green utensils and ornaments. A set of Yellow Green cafe curtains hung across a kitchen window can give the space a cheerful and carefree ambiance.

Yellow Green Dress
Yellow Green Nails
Yellow Green Sofa

Colors that go with Yellow Green

Match Yellow Green with bright magenta and bright blue for a split-complementary color scheme that is vibey and fun. To really make Yellow Green pop off the page in graphic design, use it with black for an extra bit of contrast.

Yellow Green Dress Color Combination
Yellow Green Nails Color Combination
Yellow Green Sofa Color Combination

Yellow Green Color Palettes and Schemes

Yellow Greens monochromatic color palette and extend either toward the green side or the yellow side depending on the look that is to be achieved. Adding in more green swatches will give Yellow Green a more natural feel, while adding in more yellow swatches will make it feel brighter.

Yellow Green Dress Color Palette
Yellow Green Nails Color Palette
Yellow Green Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Geometric patterns that use Yellow Green with black and gold will have a dramatic and edgy look. Wallpaper in Yellow green and white damask print will feel unconventional.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton