Azure Color
HEX color code is #F0FFFF and the RGB is 240, 255, 255
A light hue of blue, that takes all of its positive associations of calmness and tranquility; and leaves behind the negative ones of mourning and sadness.
How the color is made: the color azure is made by mixing green to a blue base, the color can be lightened up by adding white. And in RGB color space, its RGB components are 240/255 red (~94.12% of red), 255/255 green (~100.0% of green), 255/255 blue (~100.0% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it is made of only 5% cyan, without any of the other components.
History: the color took its name from the blue mineral lapis lazuli, or better from the second word which in turn originates form Arabic *lazord* for the same semi-precious stone. The color of azure closely resembles the color of this stone. The color is used in interior deign and graphic design interchangeably with blue.
Occurence: United nations uses a shade of azure in the flag, pamphlets, and other graphics related to the UN. And Microsoft use the color in their software product under the same name.
Color in Action
The color is a light shade of blue, so it is considered a color of tranquility, calmness and comfort. It lets you relax and blend with the atmosphere while clearing your head, making it a perfect choice for meditation and yoga. Also, the color is a color of wisdom, mental clarity and logic which means the color is highly practical. Also, the color is very light meaning the color is versatile and can work with a large selection of colors, also its closeness to white gives it a privilege of being open, honest, clean and pure.
Colors that go with Azure
Azure is a versatile color that works well with many colors. The only thing that matters is other colors' harmony, so after selecting your palette, you can easily insert azure to it. It is great when you want a cool neutral atmosphere to base you palette upon, as the blueish undertone have many great association, and it will look modern no matter what unlike using beige, ivory, khaki, or cream.
Azure Color Palettes and Schemes
As discussed in the previous section, there is no specific color palette that can be used with azure, it can find a way in any color palette. For example, if you picked up on its undertone and used it with blues, the result would be a great sky or sea palette; and if you tried to use it to cool down a warm color palette, what you aim for will be granted.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Like its versatility with other colors, azure is a great color to use it with different patterns, it is better to be used as a base with more vibrant colors. Azure seems to be a reasonable background color choice for sea- and sky-scapes. Whether patterns, the plain color or artworks featuring azure as a main color will create great wallpapers suitable for screens as well as physical media.