Beige Color

HEX color code is #F5EDDC and the RGB is 245, 237, 220

Beige is an light earthly hue sitting between white and brown. It is a very versatile color that is used in fashion, home decor, different kinds of graphics and other forms of art. Linguistically speaking beige is used to describe dullness and boredom; which is a very unjust. Isn't it enough to be versatile and have a sexy french name?

How the color is made: there are different shades of the color beige. All of which can be achieved via a mixture of brown and white. Though in RGB color space, it consists of 245/255 red (~96.08% of red), 237/255 green (~92.94% of green), 220/255 blue (~86.27% of blue). And in CMYK color space, its CMYK components are 3% magenta, 10% yellow, and 3% black, without cyan.

History: beige was first used in france during the first half of the 19th century, and in the later half it was adopted by English. Yet the color itself can be seen in many artworks featuring landscapes of earth. Now it is used as a neutral color to symbolize simplicity, and tranquility, making it a popular choice for whole-wall paints, and as a base in fashion.

Color in Action

The color evokes the feeling of belonging to earth, it is simple and versatile making it very popular choice for clothing base color. Based on the pairing of colors, you can look joyful and alive, or serious and practical. It looks modern if used with basic color patterns, but it can also look old if antique decoration is applied. To sum it up you have a simple and a very flexible color that is very comfortable to the eye.

Beige Dress
Beige Nails
Beige Sofa

Colors that go with Beige

Beige serves as a great replacement to white. So it can pair harmoniously with whatever color you are choosing. It is a great color choice as base for light color palettes, likewise it is a great accent for dark-themed visuals. Very light blues, or better to say blueish whites, are perfect fits for beige. Other shades of beige, light pale pinks, and light lavender can also create great harmonies alongside beige.

Beige Dress Color Combination
Beige Nails Color Combination
Beige Sofa Color Combination

Beige Color Palettes and Schemes

As discussed above, beige serves as a light base for palettes. It is also great as an accent not only in dark palettes, but also in any palette. When choosing a color palette, you need not to worry to much about beige, focus more on other colors' harmony instead. For example, it can be used with sky-inspired palette alongside different shades of blue, light grays, and white. Another color palette might include green, rose, pale yellow and brown along with beige. Or black and white as primary colors, different shades of brown and grays alongside beige.

Beige Dress Color Palette
Beige Nails Color Palette
Beige Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Beige works well as a background color, and it adds earthy look and feeling unlike white. And as versatile the color is with other colors, as it is with patterns, you can't ever pinpoint a patten that is perfect with beige; because they all are. Depending on what you pair with beige, you can make it fit the theme of your wallpaper, wether physical or digital.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton