Blue Color

HEX color code is #487DE7 and the RGB is 72, 125, 231

A color of a versatile history and uses, associated often with wisdom, intelligence, calmness, confidence, distance and infinity, imagination, cold, and harmony. It is also associated with sadness, mourning, and depression. Due to its positive associations, its is used in military uniforms and business suits.

How the color is made: blue is one of the primary color in classical RYB model, and in RGB model used in screens. You can easily pick up a blue pigment from any art supply store. Though in RGB color space, it is composed of 51/255 red (~20.0% of red), 114/255 green (~44.71% of green), 183/255 blue (~71.76% of blue). And in CMYK color space used in printed media, it is comprised of 72% cyan, 37% magenta, and 28% black with no yellows added to the mix.

History: linguistically speaking, blue is often one of the first few colors that appear in languages, often after black, white and red, in some languages such as eastern ones blue and green are used interchangeably. Blue pigments came to light since ancient Egypt, and it was used extensively in middle ages from religious paintings, to decoration.
Occurence: Now, it is considered a professional color that can be seen not only in jeans and business suits, but also in military uniforms, interior design, and even in branding.

Color in Action

Blue appears confident and trustworthy in clothing and fashion, Intelligent and highly practical in branding, soothing and calming in decoration and interior design. No doubt why it is the most favorite color for all genders, even if it is associated with masculinity. It is also a universal, and timeless colors fitting all occasions and times of the year.

Blue Dress
Blue Nails
Blue Sofa

Colors that go with Blue

There are many colors that go well with blue. Other shades of blue for instance are great colors that create an atmospheric vibe with blue, you can add shades of violet to create a subtle contrast to your palette. The complementary color of blue is copper, which create a good contrast with blue. Warm colors such as green, deep pink and sea green add a dynamic harmony if used in moderation alongside blue.

Blue Dress Color Combination
Blue Nails Color Combination
Blue Sofa Color Combination

Blue Color Palettes and Schemes

To create an infinite color palette that fits almost all styles, use shades of blue or shades of purple. Nature-inspired color palettes might include green, various shades of brown, yellows and white, these would yield an irresistible mix that fulfils all tastes.

Blue Dress Color Palette
Blue Nails Color Palette
Blue Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Blue can be used as a background color not only in printed media, but all kinds of visuals; sure it wouldn't attract attention such as using reds or warm colors, as a background must not interfere with the things in focus. Blue would prove to be a color of physical wallpapers, but it should be avoided in screens as it would be tiring in the long run. Patterns, both organic and geometric, can be colored in blue, as both a base or a primary color.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton