Cerulean Color

HEX color code is #007BA7 and the RGB is 0, 123, 167

Looking at the sky in a clear day, you would observe a tint of cerulean. It will definitely give you a feeling of relaxation and tranquility. Its opaqueness gives a it a unique charisma often associated with feminity due to its closeness to turquoise.

How the color is made: there is a synthesized pigment called cerulean, which produce the color in oil paintings. It can be achieved by mixing gray with blue and some green, yet it is pure blue to the eye. And in RGB color space, it consists of 0/255 red (~0.0% of red), 123/255 green (~48.24% of green), 167/255 blue (~65.49% of blue). And in CMYK color space, its components are 100% cyan, 26% magenta, and 34% black, without any yellows.

History: the pigment cerulean was synthesized in 1805, yet it became available to artists by the 1850s, the name was derived from latin for a word meaning sky or heaven. It reached its peak of popularity in the 20th century after Pantone declaring cerulean the color of the millennia.
Occurence: It gained more fame after the 2006 movie The Devil Wears Prada, for being a color of interest for the main characters.

Color in Action

The color cerulean can be considered a semi-neutral color, and hence it comes across as very practical. It gives you a mental boost by providing a relaxing dose. It touches the sky and beach association which are ingrained in our psyche with wisdom, and it really gives that vibe when used in interior design or in fashion.

Cerulean Dress
Cerulean Nails
Cerulean Sofa

Colors that go with Cerulean

Other shades of blue work very well with cerulean, yet white and light gray as well as other light neutrals such as taupe and sage green can create a great aesthetic alongside cerulean. And to create a feminine vibe, use pale pink, turquoise, cream or other light weight color that is associated with femininity. Other colors that are worthy of mentioning are deep brown, light shades of green and dark grays.

Cerulean Dress Color Combination
Cerulean Nails Color Combination
Cerulean Sofa Color Combination

Cerulean Color Palettes and Schemes

Using a color palette that contains multiple shades of blue beside cerulean can create an atmospheric aura leading to further enhance the feeling of calmness. Yet to add more interest add a warm color, preferably as an accent, such as browns, yellows, yellow-orange. Yet, to add some drama to blue you can add cream, pink or any other warm feminine color.

Cerulean Dress Color Palette
Cerulean Nails Color Palette
Cerulean Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

One can't talk about using cerulean as a background for your room, or for that matter anywhere, as cerulean is a background for earth itself if you think about it. Patterns of any kind from geometric to organic look great in cerulean, yet sky-inspired patterns such as cloud patterns are particularly interesting. Those make up for a timeless wallpaper for both printed and digital spaces.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton