Champagne Color
HEX color code is #F7E7CE and the RGB is 247, 231, 206
Champagne is a light shade of yellowish orange that is often confused with beige. Yet champagne is warmer and more interesting than beige, without losing its neutrality which make it work with a wide range selection of the color spectrum.
How the color is made: champagne can be made by adding tiny yellow and orange, to a white base. And in RGB color space, it amounts to 247/255 red (~96.86% of red), 231/255 green (~90.59% of green), 206/255 blue (~80.78% of blue). And in CMYK color space, its components are 6% magenta, 16% yellow, and 3% black, with no cyan.
History: champagne, the beverage and the color histories, are deeply intertwined. The word champagne is the name of the region that produces it in France, then the name transferred to the beautiful hue. The problem that we don't hear the color name so much, it because champagne is a registered trade mark, and using the name would implicate many legal issues. And that's why Apple is naming champagne color gold, even though it is technically champagne. The color is now popular in accessories, fashion, interior design and graphic design.
Color in Action
Champagne is a light warm color, it is not harsh to the eye; yet, its warmth is welcoming. Though, its connection with champagne we have at celebration, weddings and happy occasions, make the color a sign of luxury, happiness and good times. Yet the simplicity of the color makes it a sign of elegance, modernism, joy, prestige, and sophistication. Using the color in interior design as a whole paint will create a comfortable and relaxing vibe to your room that is equally energetic.
Colors that go with Champagne
Champagne is considered a neutral color that works with a wide range of colors, it is like white, black, grays, cream and beige. But for a great contrast, use dark colors like dark browns and dark greens. Blues are particularly interesting, so for a light color palette, use a lighter shade of blue with champagne, but a dark shade would make our color stand out.
Champagne Color Palettes and Schemes
Base the color palette on white or cream, and use champagne as a primary color; for accents, it is better to use a dark color such as black, but picking on the undertone and using gold will also yield a similar impact, and your palette will definitely look modern, luxurious and lightweight. You can use yellowish whites like cream and ivory, with a blue color such as dust blue, adding orange for highlights, and the result will be slightly dramatic, yet with a harmonious look and feel.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
For patterns, we can use polka dots, or any kind of geometric pattern that involves small circles, as this will further intensify the champagne feeling to the color, because of the beverages small bubbles. Champagne is a neutral, that means it can be used as a base and background color for many kinds of graphics and paintings, especially ones that feature sunsets due to the yellowish-orangish color of champagne. Wallpapers that have the color champagne will look more interesting than whites, as the color is a good replacement for white and other light neutrals.