Clear Color

HEX color code is #F4FAFC and the RGB is 244, 250, 252

Some people might not consider Clear a color, but it does have a light Grayish-Blue tone that creates a cool and refreshed feeling. Clear is a fantastic base color to use in a small room because it opens up the space and makes it look bigger when paired with a striking color to play off its muteness.

How the color is made: Clear consists of Pure White and Light Gray Cyan, which gives it a subtle cool undertone that works well as a blank color on which to layer other colors.

History: Historically, Light Gray colors like Clear were dominant in peasants' clothes because they could not afford dyes to color their clothes.

Color in Action

While Clear might have previously been attributed to poverty and humility, today it is considered a classic color that depicts class and style. Clear-colored suits can be found in most high-end tailor’s stores and are the classic suit color worn by executives who want to give expression to their status and power, just think of Hugo Boss.
Clear is a multipurpose color that is used often in interior design, especially in workspaces where too much bold color can become frustrating to workers. Clear is often seen on plant pots and blinds because of its neutrality.

Clear Dress
Clear Nails
Clear Sofa

Colors that go with Clear

Clear is a versatile neutral that will work with any color. If the outfit is predominantly Clear then add accents of Deep Red for an energetic feel, or Deep Navy Blue for a masculine look.

Clear Dress Color Combination
Clear Nails Color Combination
Clear Sofa Color Combination

Clear Color Palettes and Schemes

Clear with white or Oatmeal colors will give an understated feel that speaks of breeding and panache while including a Dark Gray Blue will instill a feeling of security.

Clear Dress Color Palette
Clear Nails Color Palette
Clear Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

The Light Gray in Clear affords it the utility that other neutral colors don't possess. Linear and grid-like patterns will work well with Clear, as will organic patterns like spheres and swirls.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton