Dirty White Color

HEX color code is #E8E4C9 and the RGB is 232, 228, 201

While Dirty White doesn’t have the most attractive name, it does have a sense of appeal for interior designers who want a subtle white that isn’t too harsh on the eyes. Where Pure White tends to feel stark and sterile, Dirty White has a refined warmth thanks to its tarnished gold undertone.

How the color is made: Dirty White is made by combining White with Slightly Saturated Yellow which has an Olive tone.

History: The best way to see Dirty White is in the ancient marble and alabaster columns found in Greek architecture. Dirty White was a carbonate-based color that was derived from ground-up chalk and limestone.

Color in Action

Dirty White is often found in office lobbies and reception areas because it creates a sense of calm for visitors while also depicting an aura of professionalism for the company. Dirty White is also found in public restrooms where Pure White would feel too clinical.
Dirty White fashion pieces can be seen in menswear with Dirty White blazers paired with dark Blue jeans or in Dirty White full-piece suits that depict old money.

Dirty White Dress
Dirty White Nails
Dirty White Sofa

Colors that go with Dirty White

Dirty White is considered a warm neutral color and would pair well with most colors. Not surprisingly, Dirty white world well with dark colors like Onyx to create a suave and modern look, whether in interior decorating or fashion design.

Dirty White Dress Color Combination
Dirty White Nails Color Combination
Dirty White Sofa Color Combination

Dirty White Color Palettes and Schemes

Tones and shades of Dirty White are excellent choices for furniture pieces, rugs, and drapery because they create a cohesive look in a room that forms a luxurious base for any other pops of color like Deep Red or Plum that a decorator might add.

Dirty White Dress Color Palette
Dirty White Nails Color Palette
Dirty White Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

A Dirty White background creates the ideal backdrop for a striking art piece that incorporates Red and Black elements. Likewise, patterns that use geometric shapes in bold colors also work fantastically on a Dirty White base.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton