Ivory Color

HEX color code is #FFFFF0 and the RGB is 255, 255, 240

A pale off-white color with a tinge of yellow. Due to the slight tint; the color is barely recognizable as a different shade of pure white. Ivory is a color often associated with positive white's associations such as its connection with purity, cleanness and mental clarity; but with an added touch of happiness due to the added yellow.

How the color is made: ivory is made by mixing a white base with traces of yellow in wet media. In RGB color space it is made up of full range of both red and green(255/255), and just slightly less amount of blue which is 240/255 blue (~94% of blue). Yet in CMYK color space, it only contains 6% of yellow without any other color components.

History: the first recorded use of the color ivory as a name of a color was in 1385, though the use of tusks or ivory, where the color got its name goes even deeper than that. Ivory was connected to wealth as it was a sought-out product not only for aesthetic purposes, but also they were believed to have healing powers. In the 19th century, a soap was produced under the same name "ivory" to further intensify that color association with purity and cleannes. Throughout different cultures from Ancient Egypt to India, the color ivory was, and still, connected to smoothness, brightness and creativity of carving of ivory objects. But it was also connected to luxury, wealth and fame, due to its association with the highly valuable and precious ivory.

Color in Action

Just like the color white, ivory can be used as a neutral color that goes well with any color in the color wheel. Don't let that conformity decieve you! yellow is one of few colors that create a tangible impact even if it is used in small quantities. Also, ivory takes some positive associations of white like purity, opacity, openness, cleanness, light and good. Eventhough the color yellow is a color of happiness and youth, and ivory must takes some of these associations, it does so in a subtle fashion where it sends these messages in a subconcious level.

Ivory Dress
Ivory Nails
Ivory Sofa

Colors that go with Ivory

As a neutral, ivory fits a wide range of colors, but it is better to be used as a base color than as a primary, secondary, or an accent color. For instance, you can pick up on its undertone by using yellow, but it is better to use either a pastel or a very dark shade of yellow. It is also possible to use ivory with bright colors such as greens, red, purples, blacks, grays, and even browns.

Ivory Dress Color Combination
Ivory Nails Color Combination
Ivory Sofa Color Combination

Ivory Color Palettes and Schemes

It is hard to talk about color palettes including ivory, because ivory is a neutral that can be added to any kind of palette wether neutral, light, dark, warm or cold. You can pair it with gold, tan, and maroon to create a woodish look, or pair it some greens to create a lively look and feel that envoke the feelings of rebirth and renewal. You can use colors like dark grays, white and black for an elephant-inspired color palettes. Which add some feeling of strong memories and ever lasting eternity of brains.

Ivory Dress Color Palette
Ivory Nails Color Palette
Ivory Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

As whites and other light neutrals, ivory can be used in various forms of graphics as a background color, and it will make these backgrounds appear more interesting than using plain white. Ivory's neutrality to colors, also applies to patterns, where it fits both geometric, and organic patterns and it is better to use it as a background color with any other light colors, but with blacks and dark grays it can be used as a foreground color. These backgrounds and patterns can be used as both physical and digital wallpapers.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton