Moon Color

HEX color code is #F6F1D5 and the RGB is 246, 241, 213

The color Moon got its name because it looks like the golden color of the full moon. Moon is considered a neutral color that can work well with any other color, whether cool or warm. Before canvas was invented artists used to paint on wood panels made of white poplar which is a Moon color.

How the color is made: Moon is made by blending White with Very Soft Yellow, which makes Moon a warm color.

History: The moon has been a muse to both ancient and modern artists alike, which is why it is depicted so frequently in paintings and poems. Artists captured the ethereal glow of the moon to pay homage to the supernatural power they believed it possessed.

Color in Action

Today the Moon color can be seen in many fashion items like shoes and handbags. Moon is popular in fashion because it is warmer than ordinary white, but is still neutral enough to make any ensemble look good.
Moon is popular in interior design, particularly in modern kitchen design where it portrays a sense of cleanliness and luxury, and pairs well with stainless steel or black appliances.

Moon Dress
Moon Nails
Moon Sofa

Colors that go with Moon

Moon matches well with Soft Red to create a luxurious mood—just think of a decadent red velvet cake with cream cheese frosting. This color combination also looks spectacular when adorned with metallic gold or silver accessories in fashion design and home decor.

Moon Dress Color Combination
Moon Nails Color Combination
Moon Sofa Color Combination

Moon Color Palettes and Schemes

Moon’s color palette is warm so incorporating other warm colors into a scheme will create a welcoming feel. Colors that work well with Moon are Yellows that fall into the soft and saturated range. Though Moon’s neutral white base does make it a good match for most colors.

Moon Dress Color Palette
Moon Nails Color Palette
Moon Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Moon colored wallpaper that has inlays of gold will add to this color’s appeal. In the 70s wallpaper that had a Moon base with bold Burnt Orange shapes was quite popular because of its striking effect.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton