Navy Blue Color
HEX color code is #2D3864 and the RGB is 45, 56, 100
Navy blue is a dark mid tone shade of blue emphasizing tranquility and dignity. It is connected to the ocean, hence it can symbolize origins of life itself.
How the color is made: navy blue it made by mixing blue with tiny amounts of black, and in the RGB color space it is made by mixing 45/255 red (~17% of red), 56/255 green (~21% of green), and 100/255 blue (~39% of blue). Yet in CMYK color space used in printed media, it consists of 55% of cyan, 44% of magenta, 0% yellow, and 61% of black.
History: the first usecase of navy blue was coloring some sailors' clothing, then it was officially adopted by the British Royal Navy, back then it was named marine blue. Many naval forces followed the Royal Navy to adopt navy blue as the main color in their uniforms.
Color in Action
Navy blue gets its feeling of tranquility and calmness from blue, some times it have colorful undertones which can add mysterious connotations to navy blue. And being slightly pale add a sense of seriousness and practicality. Of course the color is very eye-friendly as you see blues almost everywhere. All of this make navy blue a great fit for multiple usecases across various media.
Colors that go with Navy Blue
Matching colors include other shades of blue for analogous look. Yet, for creating a nice harmony; use olive green as an accent. Other colors in-between blue and green are also perfect matches to navy blue.
Navy Blue Color Palettes and Schemes
Analogous color palettes bring the feeling of ocean, breeze and freshness. Adding other colors such as olive green to navy blue with various shades and tints can create a great color harmony making this palette perfect not only for your home, but also for your fashion and clothing.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Navy blue is elegant in backgrounds wether using the plain color or gradients with lighter blues. Sea patterns are wonderfully colored using navy blue, and these patterns can be used joyously in any kind of wallpaper.