Pearl White Color
HEX color code is #F8F6F0 and the RGB is 248, 246, 240
Pearl White has a translucent elegance that makes it a perfect base color on which to build a genteel mood board. Think of the Pearl White flesh of a freshly peeled onion and how it enhances the taste of a simmering pasta sauce, Pearl White does the same when paired with other more robust colors.
How the color is made: Pearl White is made by mixing White with Light Grayish Yellow to create a warm subtle White that mimics beach pebbles.
History: Historically, Pearl White was used to portray innocence, virginity, purity, and perfection. Though it was said that Emily Dickinson wore Pearl White clothing exclusively in her later years as a symbol of passion.
Color in Action
Bridal gowns are often sewn in Pearl White fabrics that have a sheen like dutchess satin or silk organza to give an ethereal and romantic look. Pearl White blouses and flowy dresses look amazing when paired with Navy Blue pants or accessories and adorned with a string of pearls around the neck.
A room that has a Pearl White color scheme can look elegant and timeless, especially when the furnishings in the room are in richer deeper colors like Merlot and Gold.
Colors that go with Pearl White
Pearl White is complimented by Light Grayish Blue when used in both fashion and interior design because of the way their warm and cool undertones balance each other. Pearl White matches well with Onyx and Gold to invoke a sense of luxury.
Pearl White Color Palettes and Schemes
An analogous color palette that includes Soft Peach and Grayish Yellow creates a romantic and airy feel when used for wedding favors and decor elements.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
A Pearl White fleur de lis pattern on an Onyx background will give a room commanding focal point and creates a sense of authority. Wallpapers with Pearl White, Brick, and Bronze stripes are great to use in a dining room.