Sapphire Color

HEX color code is #0F52BA and the RGB is 15, 82, 186

Sapphire is a deep blue color of the gemstone with the same name. Due to the heavenly look sapphire grants; it make it a sign for love, dependability, and it was believed to bring luck. Shades of blue give a calming effect, which instantly alleviate your mood with a relaxing dose.

How the color is made: in wet media sapphire is made by adding blue to black with some green to give an undertone. And in RGB color space, its components are 15/255 red (~5.88% of red), 82/255 green (~32.16% of green), 186/255 blue (~72.94% of blue). And in CMYK color space, it consists of 91% cyan, 55% magenta, and 27% black, with no yellows added to the mix.

History: sapphire was - and still - a sought out gemstone, it was believed to enlighten Greek in seeking wisdom from the oracle. It was also used by Hindus and Buddhists, and they believed it gives them spiritual boost; hence it helps them to connect with the divine. And now, we can see sapphire not only in jewelry, but also in clothing and other accessories.

Color in Action

The blue color suggest wise judgment, yet being a medium-dark color gives sapphire a mysterious and somehow magical feeling. It is more appropriate to use it as a primary color in your decor than other shades of blue as it is not shiny in the eye. In clothing it fits both summer and winter, in summer it gives a feeling of coldness and moderate the hot weather, and in winter it gives a sense of belonging to nature and winter vibes.

Sapphire Dress
Sapphire Nails
Sapphire Sofa

Colors that go with Sapphire

To give an analogous feeling, it is recommended to pair it with other blues. But to create a more interesting combination, you can pick up on sapphire's green undertone and use various shades of green or teal. Other colors such as brownish colors like tan, beige, cream and taupe also are great to match with Sapphire, as well as light grays and white.

Sapphire Dress Color Combination
Sapphire Nails Color Combination
Sapphire Sofa Color Combination

Sapphire Color Palettes and Schemes

For creating a heavenly vibe, you can use various shades and tints of blue. Yet other colors such as emerald green or onyx work also well with sapphire, especially if used as secondary of accent colors. And other note worthy colors are metallic colors such as gold, bronze, and silver, as those give some interest and motion to your palette.

Sapphire Dress Color Palette
Sapphire Nails Color Palette
Sapphire Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

As discussed earlier, sapphire look wonderful in backgrounds, even if used as a plain color. Crystal and other geometric patterns are gorgeous in sapphire; but lets never forget sky, cloudy patterns are also great if the base was sapphire.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton