Water Color
HEX color code is #DEF4FC and the RGB is 222, 244, 252
The color water has a light grayish-blue tinge that makes it feel refreshing and cool. Water was a color favored by Renaissance painters when they wanted to depict a sense of calm and movement in their paintings. For instance, in Raphael’s depiction of the biblical story where the baby Moses is saved from the river by the pharaoh’s daughter, the artist uses the color Water to portray to river’s magnitude and vastness.
How the color is made: To make the color Water, mix very soft blue with white.
History: The color water was traditionally a color associated with serenity and purity. It was used extensively in portraits that depicted the life and times of Jesus as a way to emphasize his holiness and morality
Color in Action
Rose Huntington Whitely wore a phenomenal Water-colored dress with gauzy cutouts and pearl beads on the neck and waist area that mimicked the translucent liquid state of water. Water is obviously one of Rose’s favorite colors to wear because it looks so fantastic with her golden skin and blond hair. The color water looks amazing on all skin tones whether dark or light because of its coolness.
Use Water as a cold base color in interior spaces for an economical way to make a room feel larger and more open. Water-colored curtains allow the light to filter through and give the room a smooth look.
Colors that go with Water
Match Water with a light grayish-orange hue that will warm up the cold effect produced by the subtle blue.
Water Color Palettes and Schemes
Pair Water with very soft blue and vivid blue for a monochromatic color palette that is as refreshing as a plunge in a crisp coll pool.
Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns
Backgrounds that have white cloud patterns and Water as the base color can be a fun twist on the traditional photo background. Soft paisley wallpaper in Water, pastel pink, and pastel yellow will have sweet appeal in a child’s bedroom.