White Cream Color

HEX color code is #FCFBF4 and the RGB is 252, 251, 244

White Cream is often associated with purity and sacredness. Georgia O’Keefe’s use of White cream in her floral paintings perfectly captures the gossamer nature of the delicate petals and adds an ethereal feel to the artworks.

How the color is made: White cream is made by mixing White with Light Gray Yellow. Though Cream White is light it does have a warm tinge.

History: White cream paint was originally made by grinding up white sedimentary rocks like lime which caused a lot of illnesses.

Color in Action

White Cream is popular in the fashion industry whether as a monochromatic look or when worn with light blue jeans. White cream coats are a staple item that is seen in every season and looks stunning when paired with a full Black top-to-toe outfit.
White Cream can be seen in the Scandinavian decor that abounds in design magazines because it creates a minimalist look that feels calming and serene. White Cream works well in furnishings when it is complemented by equally warm wood finishings.

White Cream Dress
White Cream Nails
White Cream Sofa

Colors that go with White Cream

White Cream pairs beautifully with Very Soft Yellow because they play off each other’s warm hues. But White Cream also works equally well with cool colors like Light Gray and Dark Gray to create a toned-down industrial look.

White Cream Dress Color Combination
White Cream Nails Color Combination
White Cream Sofa Color Combination

White Cream Color Palettes and Schemes

A split-complimentary color palette that includes White Cream creates a fresh feeling without being too vibrant. This light color palette can add an element of intrigue to an outfit without being overpowering or distracting from the simplicity of the color combinations.

White Cream Dress Color Palette
White Cream Nails Color Palette
White Cream Sofa Color Palette

Backgrounds and Seamless Patterns

Wallpaper designed with White Cream blossoms on a Light Stone background will create a baroque effect that will elevate the look of a room. A plain White Cream background is the perfect backdrop on which to hang elaborate artwork in a room.

Polka Dot
Abstract Lines
Louis Vuitton